
In the aftermath of armed conflicts or natural disasters, the path to normalcy demands comprehensive rehabilitation efforts. Through strategic alliances with international entities  International Logistics Services (ILS) takes on the pivotal role of rejuvenating devastated regions.



Our mission centers on executing essential rehabilitation projects that encompass housing, infrastructure, and vital amenities, nurturing the resurgence of communities towards self-sufficiency in the medium term. With a dedicated focus on projects like house and building rehabilitation, we empower localities to reconstruct and thrive independently. Additionally, our commitment extends to the revival of indispensable Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) systems, recognizing their fundamental significance for the well-being of affected regions. At ILS, we catalyze the renaissance of regions through adept rehabilitation, illuminating a path to enduring recovery and a revitalized of rehabilitation services that could be offered by International Logistics Services (ILS) in the context of post-conflict or post-disaster recovery:



These rehabilitation services encompass a holistic approach to rebuilding and revitalizing communities, fostering resilience, and setting the stage for long-term growth and development.



Rehabilitation Services

Housing Rehabilitation
Repairing and renovating damaged or destroyed houses to provide safe and habitable living conditions for affected families.
Infrastructure Restoration
Restoring essential infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and utilities to facilitate movement, access to services, and overall connectivity.
School and Educational Facility Rehabilitation
Repairing educational institutions to ensure that children have access to quality education and a conducive learning environment.
Healthcare Facility Rehabilitation
Restoring healthcare facilities and clinics to ensure access to medical services and promote public health in the affected area
Community Center Reconstruction
Rebuilding community centers, gathering spaces, and public facilities to foster social cohesion and provide spaces for communal activities.
Water and Sanitation System Rehabilitation
Repairing and upgrading water supply, sewage, and sanitation systems to ensure access to clean water and proper waste management.
Livelihood Support Programs
Implementing programs that support affected individuals in reestablishing their livelihoods, providing training, tools, and resources for income generation.
Agricultural Rehabilitation
Assisting farmers and agricultural communities in restoring their farming practices, providing seeds, tools, and training to revive food production.
Assisting farmers and agricultural communities in restoring their farming practices, providing seeds, tools, and training to revive food production.
Assisting farmers and agricultural communities in restoring their farming practices, providing seeds, tools, and training to revive food production.
Environmental Restoration
Undertaking projects to restore and protect natural resources, such as reforestation efforts, soil conservation, and ecological rehabilitation
Disability Access and Inclusion
Ensuring that rehabilitated structures and services are accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities.
Public Space Revitalization
Enhancing public spaces, parks, and recreational areas to promote community well-being and social interaction.
Emergency Shelter Support
Providing temporary emergency shelters for displaced populations while more permanent solutions are being developed
Infrastructure Planning and Design
Collaborating with local communities and stakeholders to design and plan sustainable and resilient infrastructure for the long-term.
Capacity Building and Training
Offering training programs to local communities, empowering them to actively participate in the rehabilitation process and manage their own development.
Other Services